6 Must-Have Vintage Cookbooks | Free PDF Downloads

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I remember when I was young, I asked my grandmother where she learned to cook so incredibly well. Of course, she said her mother taught her. And who taught her mother? Her mother’s mother, of course! So one day, after a particularly delicious meal, I asked her if I could borrow one of her old vintage cookbooks, and she gave me a few. Her vintage cookbooks included lots and lots of old handwritten recipes hidden among the pages of her collection. I was fascinated, to say the least! And so my journey into the world of old vintage cookbooks began.

Old Vintage Cookbooks And Recipes (PDF Downloads)

In this article, I’m sharing some of my favorite public-domain vintage cookbooks that contain stacks of old recipes that you can download in PDF format. The oldest one dates all the way back to 1909! Not only are these old recipe books really interesting to look through, but they contain healthy vintage recipes that you can use for every occasion. There’s just something about a well-preserved, 1920s edition vintage cookbook—everything you make just tastes better!

If you love these vintage cookbooks, please pin them 🙂

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Vintage Cookbook - Things Mother Used To Make - 1922

Things Mother Used To Make Vintage Cookbook

A Collection Of Old Time Recipes, Some Nearly One Hundred Years Old And Never Published Before

Author: Lydia Maria Gurney
Published: 1922
Pages: 136
Things Mother Used To Make PDF Download
PDF File Size: 1.8MB

Things Mother Used to Make was written by Lydia Maria Gurney and it was first published in 1922.  The vintage recipes in this old cookbook have been handed down by word of mouth from generation to generation for almost 100 years. Lydia Gurney collected the recipes and tested them in her New England kitchen before they were published in her book. This old vintage cookbook includes over 200 recipes for breads, cakes, desserts, eggs, fish, meat dishes, pies, puddings, pickles, preserves, sauces, soups, and vegetables.

Things Mother Used To Make – Contents
Bannocks Filled Cookies 
Boston Brown Bread Filling for Cookies 
Brown Bread (Baked) iSSugar Cookies 
Coffee Cakes Cream Cake 
Corn Meal Gems Delicious Cake without Eggs 
Cream of Tartar Biscuits Feather Cake 
Crullers Old-Time Gingersnaps 
Delicious Dip Toast Gold Cake 
Doughnuts Hermits 
Fried Bread Jumbles 
German Toast Nut Cake 
Soft Gingerbread Oatmeal Cookies 
Huckleberry Cake One, Two, Three, Four Cake 
Quick Graham Bread Ribbon Cake 
Graham Bread (Raised Over Night) Roll Jelly Cake 
Graham Muffins Silver Cake 
Sour Milk Griddle Cakes Sponge Cake, No.  1
Sweet Milk Griddle Cakes Sponge Cake, No. 2 , Grandmother’s Rule 
Jenny Lind Tea Cake Some Old-Fashioned Candies
Real Johnny Cake Chocolate Taffy 
New England Bims Molasses Candy 
Nut Bread Butter Scotch 
Oatmeal Bread Pop Com Balls (Very Old Recipe) 
Parker House Rolls  
Popovers EGGS
Rye Muffins To Boil Eggs 
Breakfast Sally Lunn Eggs on Toast 
Sour Milk Biscuits Plain Omelette 
Spider Calce Ham Omelette 
White Bread New England Poached Eggs 
Apple Tarts Clam Fritters 
Baked Apples, No. 1 Fish Balls 
Baked Apples, No.  2To Boil a Lobster 
Baked Sweet Apples To Dress Lobsters Cold 
Baked Apple Dumplings Baked Mackerel 
Fried Apples Oysters on Toast 
Bramberries Baked Shad 
Cream Puffs  
Huckleberry Dumplings Boston Baked Beans 
Coffee Jelly A Breakfast Dish 
Lemon Jelly Cracker Tea for Invalids 
Strawberry Shortcake, No.  1Crust Coffee 
Strawberry Shortcake, No.  2Grape Juice 
 Mince Meat
MEAT DISHESHome-Made Potato Yeast 
A La Mode Beef  
Beefsteak Pie PIES
Beef Stew with Dumplings Rich Pie Crust 
Dumplings Pork Apple Pie 
New England Boiled Dinner Chocolate Custard Pie 
Brunswick Stew Cocoanut Pie 
How to Com Beef Cranberry Pie 
Corned Beef Hash Cream Pie 
Breaded Pork Chops Old-Time Custard Pie 
Potted Beef Frosted Lemon Pie 
A Fine Way to Cook Veal Mock Mince Pie 
Veal Patties Pumpkin Pie, No.  1
 Pumpkin Pie, No.  2
PICKLESRhubarb Pie 
Pickled Cauliflower Roley Polys 
Green Chopped Pickle, No.  1Squash Pie 
Green Chopped Pickle, No.  2Cream Washington Pies 
Chili Sauce, No.  1Cream for Filling 
Chili Sauce, No.  2 
Chili Sauce, No.  3PUDDINGS
Chow Chow, No.  1Bread Pudding 
Chow Chow, No.  2Steamed Chocolate Pudding 
Cold Catsup Graham Pudding 
Com Relish Hasty Pudding 
Home-Made Cucumber Pickles Baked Indian Pudding 
Quickly Made Cucumber Pickle Orange Pudding 
Mixed Pickles Plum Pudding 
Piccalilli, No.  1Queen’s Pudding 
Piccalilli, No.  2Poor Man’s Rice Pudding 
Piccalilli, No.  3Suet Pudding 
Tomato Catsup, No.  1Tapioca Cream 
Tomato Catsup, No.  2 
Pickled Watermelon Rind SAUCES
 Chocolate Sauce 
Crab Apple Jelly Cranberry Sauce 
California Jam Cream Mustard 
Canned Cherries Egg Sauce, for Chocolate Pudding 
Cherry Conserve Pudding Sauce 
Preserved Citron Salad Dressing 
Currant Jelly Sauce, for Graham Pudding 
Spiced Currants  
Cranberry Jelly SOUPS
Grape Conserve Bean Porridge 
Grape Marmalade Connecticut Clam Chowder 
Grape Preserve Massachusetts Clam Chowder 
Orange Marmalade New England Pish Chowder 
Peach Marmalade Lamb Broth 
To Can Peaches A Good Oyster Stew 
Pickled Peaches Potato Soup .- 
Ginger Pears  
Preserved Pears VEGETABLES
Way to Pickle Pears Green Corn Fritters 
To Preserve Pineapple Delicious Stuffed Baked Potatoes 
Quince Jelly Creamed Potatoes 
Quince Marmalade Scalloped Potatoes 
Quince Sauce Baked Tomatoes 
Raspberry Jam, No.  Fried Tomatoes
Raspberry Jam, No.   
To Keep Rhubarb Through the Winter  
Rhubarb Marmalade  
Rhubarb Jam  
Spiced Fruit  
Vintage Cookbooks - The Pilgrim Cook Book - 1921 - By the Pilgrim Evangelical Lutheran Church

The Pilgrim Cook Book

Containing Nearly 700 Carefully Tested Recipes

Author: The Ladies’ Aid Society – Pilgrim Evangelical Lutheran Church
Published: 1921
Pages: 168
The Pilgrim Cook Book PDF Download
PDF File Size: 9MB

The Pilgrim Cook Book was created by The Ladies Aid Society of the Chicago-based Pilgrim Evangelical Lutheran Church. This old cookbook includes over 600 tried and tested recipes for everything from fish to pies to ice cream!

The Pilgrim Cook Book – Contents
“One Piece” Luncheons
Puddings And Deserts
Gelatine Desserts
Cheese And Eggs
Dumplings And Noodles
Fritters, Doughnuts, Pancakes
Baking Powder Breads And Coffee-Cakes
Yeast Breads
Nut Cookies
Small Cakes
Icings And Fillings
Chocolate Cakes
Ice Cream And Beverages
Canned Fruits And Vegetables
Catsups, Pickles, Etc
Vintage Cookbooks - The White House Cook Book - 1913

The White House CookBook

A Comprehensive Cyclopedia Of Information For The Home

Author: Hugo Ziemann And Mrs. F. L. Gilletti
Published: 1913
Pages: 619
The White House Cook Book PDF Download
PDF File Size: 43.8MB

The White House Cook Book was published in 1913 and was dedicated to the wives of the Presidents. Each recipe was tried and carefully tested by the authors who were both renowned in their fields. This vintage cookbook also gives interesting information about The White House including State Dinner Menus and other special occasions along with hand-drawn illustrations and very interesting toiletry-type recipes under the Toilet Recipes section. It even includes anAntidotes For Poisons” section… I suppose you can’t be too careful if you are the president!

The White House Cook Book – Contents
Articles Required For The Kitchen
Biscuits, Rolls, Muffins, Etc.
Butter And Cheese
Canned Fruits
Coffee, Tea And Beverages
Coloring For Fruit, Etc.
Custards, Creams And Desserts
Dinner Giving
Dumplings And Puddings
Dyeing Or Coloring
Eggs And Omelets
Facts Worth Knowing
Fillings For Layer Cakes
For The Sick
French Words In Cooking
Frosting Or Icing
Health Suggestions
Housekeepers’ Time-Table
Ice-Cream And Ices
Management Of State Dinner At White House
Measures And Weights In Ordinary Use
Miscellaneous Recipes
Modes Of Frying
Mutton And Lamb
Pastry, Pies And Tarts
Poultry And Game
Preserves, Jellies, Etc.
Sauces And Dressing
Sauces For, Pudding
Shell Fish
Small Points On Table Etiquette
Soups Without Meats
Special Menus
Toilet Recipes And Items
Varieties Of Seasonable Food

Vintage Cookbooks - Good Housekeeping Casseroles And Curries - 1957

Good Housekeeping’s Casseroles & Curries Vintage Cookbook

Delicious Savoury Dishes For Chilly Days

Author: Good Housekeeping
Published: 1957
Pages: 32
Good Housekeeping Casseroles & Curries PDF Download
PDF File Size: 3.7MB

Good Housekeeping has been around for decades with what feels like hundreds of cookbooks and recipes available. This amazing vintage cookbook from 1957 contains a collection of casserole and curry recipes that are perfect for families on a budget or those who simply love warm and delicious comfort foods! This old cookbook includes recipes for meat, fish, and vegetable casseroles, pot roasts, and hot pots as well as all the instructions you need to make the very best curries for your family and friends!

Good Housekeeping Casseroles & Curries – Contents
Meat Casseroles
Pot Roasts and Hot-Pots
Sweetbreads, Kidneys, Ox-tails, etc.
Fish Casseroles
Poultry and Game
Beef Olives
Vegetable Dishes
Puddings From A Casserole
Dry Curries and Oriental Curries
Accompaniments For Curries
“Toppings” For Casseroles
Vintage Cookbooks - Good Housekeeping's Book Of Menus, Recipes and Household Discoveries - 1920

Good Housekeeping’s Book Of Recipes and Household Discoveries

Every Recipe Actually Tested And Approved

Author: Good Housekeeping
Published: 1920
Pages: 238
Good Housekeeping’s Book Of Recipes and Household Discoveries PDF Download
PDF File Size: 10.3MB

Good Housekeeping’s Book of Recipes and Household Discoveries is another old vintage cookbook that was first published in the 1920s. It is a comprehensive old cookbook that includes not only amazing recipes but also helpful info such as various household “discoveries” which include everyday household hacks. For example, here is a hack that stops your iron from sticking:

If, when making starch, you use soapy water as the foundation, you will have no further trouble with the iron sticking to the article you are laundering. Allow one tablespoonful of soap jelly to each quart of water, adding the desired amount of starch, depending upon the garments to be starched.

Don’t know about you but I don’t starch a darn thing 🙂

Good Housekeeping’s Book Of Recipes and Household Discoveries – Contents
Our Service to You      
How to Use the Recipes  
Measuring and Mixing   
Equivalents of Capacity 
Approximate Weights of Some Common Dry Commodities   
Cheese Dishes 
Desserts, Cold 
Desserts, Hot 
Egg Dishes 
Fruit Combinations  
Frozen Dishes 
Hors D ’Oeuvres 
Jams, Jellies, and Marmalades  
Pickles and Relishes  
Salad Dressings 
Sauces, Pish and Meat   
Sauces, Pudding     
About-the-House Discoveries  
About-the-Laundry Discoveries 
Bath-Room Discoveries 
Bed-Room Discoveries 
Cookery Discoveries 
Discoveries Concerning Children 
Kitchen Discoveries 
Sewing-Room Discoveries 
What Is Good Housekeeping Institute? 
Vintage Betty Crocker's Bisquick Cookbook - 1956

Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cook Book

157 Recipes And Ideas

Author: Betty Crocker / General Mills
Published: 1956
Pages: 98
Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cook Book PDF Download
PDF File Size: 1.9MB

Betty Crocker is a fictional character that was originally created by the Washburn-Crosby Company in 1921. In 1954 General Mills created the logo of the red spoon with her signature that most of us know well. The Betty Crocker brand is incredibly well known and has become a bit of a cultural icon in America. This Betty Crocker vintage cookbook includes lots of different recipes including some great ones for outdoor cooking.

Betty Crocker’s Bisquick Cookbook – Contents

Basic Backings
Company’s Coming
Lunch or Supper
Cooking for a Crowd
Outdoor Cooking

Main Dishes
Sauces and Gravies


We hope you enjoyed our collection of wonderful vintage cookbook PDFs. I’m sure you will find more than a couple of recipes here that will become family favorites! And the best part is that they are all free to download. We would love to hear from you! Have you found a particular recipe that you enjoy?